Sharing the Love with 2 of Cups
Our relationship with the world around us is inherent in the 2 or Cups. Ruled by Venus in Cancer. The reflection from the water invokes the beauty of the planet Venus, the planet of love.
The World is a mirror image of ourselves - Dr Joe Dispenza
'Reflection' (from the Google dictionary) means "the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it."
Without absorbing it...
When the 2 of Cups reveals itself there is a deep sense of inner knowing that a significant connection is possible. This connection doesn't always have to be an intimate relationship, it can be a new business partner, friendship or even a new housemate. There is an energetic shift and a willingness to commitment to sharing a connection. It's the early stages of a relationship where friendship fosters the foundation for something special.
Before sitting down to write this, I pulled on my runners and jogged down to the beach for inspiration and to create a change of scenery. I was running along a footpath and spotted an older man, about my age, 57ish. He had a greying beard and wore a well-loved hat, like an Akubra. He was smartly dressed and had a state of sovereignty about him, and he wasn't about to change his state of being no matter who was around. As I got closer, I could see he was hugging the tree he was standing in front of. He was really embracing it with his cheek touching the beautiful gum tree's bark, looking in my general direction. I smiled when I saw what he was doing. I was only a few metres away at this point and in the split second of comprehending what he was doing we both share a big smile with each other. I put my two fingers up to form a peace sign and kept running and the grin on our faces apparent.
When someone shows us love or a heartfelt connection in the two of cups, we open ourselves to the possibilities of an emotional connection that changes our state of being.
That thought stayed with me and I thanked my guides for bringing the experience into my field of awareness and to this place.
Then on the homeward stretch I was running over the tram tracks, and I saw a man waiting. He was wearing a Carlton footy scarf, The Navy Blues (I don't go to the footy but have barracked for them since a little tacker). The young chap could see I was checking him out probably wondering what the hell... then I raised my thump and called out "Go Blues". He gave a wry smile and a turn of the head and yelled back "You Betcha!".
At this stage of the run, I was feeling a bit stuffed, but this change of state filled me with another boost of energy that I welcomed to get me the rest of the way home. Just a small dose of nothing special to someone else, brought a little bit of special to me.
Your personality creates your personal reality - Dr Joe Dispenza
Dr Joe Dispenza talks about how Mirror Neurons activate behaviour. Oxytocin signals nitric oxide, nitric oxide signals a chemical that causes your heart and lungs to swell, your heart literally is in gorging with energy and blood and it's literally swelling now, and this state brings about love and appreciation for self and the world created. The side effect of allowing is joy. So, without even knowing it we begin to activate latent systems in the body that allow more of the same to come to us.
Copyright - Union/Duality card from The Men's Deck by Basil Eliades
In 2 Emotion – Union/Duality card from The Men's Deck by Basil Eliades, he writes:
"... To acquire this state of being does not require a partner. Many modalities and value systems believe that the core aim of this lifetime is to reach "at-oneness" within oneself, ideally before connection to another. Thus, when one joins with another, there are two complete beings coming together rather than two partially damaged ones looking to each other to become whole."
Thank you 2 of Cups for seeking to be heard today and for sharing emotional connection and opening our hearts to new possibilities. I'm grateful for the TGA for creating a space like this for all of us to share our passion for tarot and self-expression.
If you feel drawn to share your insights on this card or any other, we would love to hear from you.
Love and Peace
Tania Yorgey
Wholistic Tarologist and Coach, integrating inner child, nlp and timeline coaching.
Professional Member of the Tarot Guild of Australia - 2006
Tania recently published a beginner tarot course, available on her website, "Navigating Tarot - Level One". Learn tarot through Tania's 36 years wrapped up into eight simple, yet deeply integrative modules.
You can also download her free mini ebook "Astrology and Tarot Integration Made Simple" on her website.