
Established in 1992, the Tarot Guild of Australia is a membership-based organisation, bringing together Tarot enthusiasts, readers and teachers from across Australia and abroad. Whether you are new to Tarot or experienced, we offer you a unique opportunity to become part of an active community of like-minded people.

3 Levels of Membership

Interest Membership – open to everyone, both inside Australia and Overseas

Professional Membership – open to TGA Interest Members with at least 3 months membership

Honorary Membership – provides formal recognition of people who have made a major contribution to Tarot and to the Tarot Guild of Australia.

Honorary Membership is invitation only.

Important Note:

All potential members must read through the Tarot Guild of Australia Code of Ethics & Practice prior to applying for membership. You will be required to adhere to the code as part of the application process.

interest membership

Annual Membership
$65 / $55 for Australian Government Pensioner
or Healthcare Concession card holders


Attend monthly workshops at a discounted members-only rate. Workshops are held in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and online.

  1. Enjoy special “members only” content on our website including tutorials, videos, a catalog of popular Tarot spreads (with instructions) and more!

  2. Connect and network with like-minded people through our Tarot Community.

  3. Receive the TGA members’ monthly newsletter ’Tarot Talk’ via email.

  4. 5% discount on all merchandise at the TGA bookshop, available at all events.

  5. 25% all of our SHOP products including presentations for sale and digital copies of The Magician, excluding Tarot Unearthed Calendar.

  6. Attend special workshops and seminars with international guest speakers both in person and online.

  7. Become a published author by writing an article for The Magician or the TGA website.

professional membership

Annual Membership
$105 / $95 for Australian Government Pensioner
or Healthcare Concession card holders

Professional Members enjoy all the benefits of Interest Membership plus:

  1. A certificate that entitles them to advertise their Tarot services as Professional Members of the Tarot Guild of Australia Inc.

  2. A free photo listing in our Professional Directory with details about their offerings.

  3. The ability to advertise your courses or workshops under Course Directory.

  4. Permission to use the Tarot Guild logo to promote themselves as accredited Professional Members of TGA.

  5. Free entry to monthly State events.

  6. 15% discount at TGA State event bookshop.

  7. 50% discount at TGA online shop, excluding Tarot Unearthed Calendar.

Professional Members are those who have completed our Tarot certification process for Tarot readers and are able to:

  1. Demonstrate a sound understanding of the meanings usually ascribed to each of the 78 cards in the Tarot deck

  2. Make meaningful connections between cards to build an interpretation based on the symbols and images in the Tarot cards

  3. Use one or more Tarot spreads to interpret cards in a way that makes sense to the client

  4. Communicate with clients in a way that produces a positive experience for clients and for themselves as readers

  5. Respect their clients’ values and right to self-determination

  6. Abide by the Tarot Guild of Australia’s Code of Ethics and Practice in their professional practice

Transition to Professional Membership

Application for Professional Membership is visible only to those in the Interest Membership area when you sign up as an Interest Member, and then have been an Interest Member for 3 months minimum.

An $85.00 application fee is required to sit the exam.

honorary membership

Honorary Membership is invitation only

Honorary Membership provides formal recognition
of people who have made a major contribution to Tarot and to the Tarot Guild of Australia. 

Current Honorary Members

Mary Greer
Jennifer Houston
Evelynne Joffe
Caitlin Morrison
Anne Shotter
James Wanless
Cheryl Ford

In Perpetuity

Rachel Pollack