"The Hermit" by Amy Scott-Young. Amy arrived at the Visual Arts in 2018 with an interest in Realism and highly detailed Pastel work. She has worked as a Tarot Illustrator since the commencement of her Visual Arts studies in 2020. As part of her 2022 Diploma Exhibition, Amy undertook a comprehensive Tarot project. At that time, she was interviewed for a podcast aimed at celebrating women artists and had many of her Tarot Illustrations published in The Nimbin Good Times Newspaper. Amy now writes and illustrates for the Newspaper's monthly Tarot column and is currently working on her own Tarot deck whilst furthering her Visual Arts studies. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"The Magician" by Amy Scott-Young. Amy arrived at the Visual Arts in 2018 with an interest in Realism and highly detailed Pastel work. She has worked as a Tarot Illustrator since the commencement of her Visual Arts studies in 2020. As part of her 2022 Diploma Exhibition, Amy undertook a comprehensive Tarot project. At that time, she was interviewed for a podcast aimed at celebrating women artists and had many of her Tarot Illustrations published in The Nimbin Good Times Newspaper. Amy now writes and illustrates for the Newspaper's monthly Tarot column and is currently working on her own Tarot deck whilst furthering her Visual Arts studies. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"Justice" by Amy Scott-Young. Amy arrived at the Visual Arts in 2018 with an interest in Realism and highly detailed Pastel work. She has worked as a Tarot Illustrator since the commencement of her Visual Arts studies in 2020. As part of her 2022 Diploma Exhibition, Amy undertook a comprehensive Tarot project. At that time, she was interviewed for a podcast aimed at celebrating women artists and had many of her Tarot Illustrations published in The Nimbin Good Times Newspaper. Amy now writes and illustrates for the Newspaper's monthly Tarot column and is currently working on her own Tarot deck whilst furthering her Visual Arts studies. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"The Journey" by Joanne Watkins. I changed the original title (The Fool) to The Journey. The journey one takes suggests that you possess a longing to pursue a new chapter within your life. To others, your journey may seem foolish, for it does require a leap of faith. A shift has taken place around you, including a major breakthrough, which has bought you to follow through with your newfound divine intervention. Note that your leap of faith is not only about your final destination but about the journey you experience along the way. Affirmation: I choose my new path with love and ease to live life to the fullest. Jo Watkins is a Tarot Card Reader and Teacher. She has published the Change of Life Tarot Deck and the 78 Shades of colouring-in Tarot book. The meaning and history of Tarot Artwork and symbols fascinated me, and I was captivated by the concept that each card held a unique story. Not long after, I was reading the cards. My transition from reading the cards to teaching how to read them happened through coincidences and we all know there is no such thing as coincidences! Jo is a Professional Member of the Tarot Guild of Australia. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"The Quiescent" Evelyn May. When drafting this piece, I wanted to bring in the element of fire, as that is synonymous with Temperance in Tarot. This piece was time consuming and ironically bought forward the true meaning of this card Patience, Balance, and Peace. These attributes are found within and serve as a reminder to be still in moments of chaos. Be still and the answers will become clear. A reminder that you need not fall into the abyss but when we lean into moments of chaos clarity does come forth Born eating my mothers acrylic paint, I suppose I always had art in my veins. I love to dabble in various mediums, with lifelike sketches, manga and digital art being favoured. I do enjoy incorporating life experiences into my art work and find that gives a unique perspective and flair. Taking note of surroundings and layering in textures and backgrounds is especially fun, but also time consuming. I need every detail just right! Click image for Artist website or social media.
"King of Wands" by Seamus O’Ceallaigh. I design my tarot cards to organize the mythology of a fantasy novel I am writing. For the King of Wands I depict Eocan, the wild shaman of Anamára a land of potent dreams. A shape-shifter, he is the son of the the Anu, the bear goddess of those erotic desires that audaciously turn imagination into reality. Eocan empowers us to create what should be, rather than conform to that which others tell us must be. Séamus Ó Ceallaigh started writing and illustrating novels at age 12. After working several years as a commercial artist in Texas he studied creative writing and studio arts at Binghamton University in New York State. He pursued graduate studies in Canada and later lived in Ireland. He presently homesteads with his partner and son in rural Pennsylvania. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"The Lovers" Jocelyn Dexter - I imagined this card as part of a deck that would be used for readings about animals and nature. Questions about loved pets are frequent, but not easily answered by the images on other decks. In this card from the Major Arcana, I have made the hero a dog, given equal status alongside its human companion. The dog connects with the person on a soul level of unconditional love, protected by the wings of the peacock guardian. The serpent gives a warning of the inevitable heartache when this bond is broken I am an Australian artist and illustrator. I love fairy tales, myths, fantasy, nature and esoteric subjects. These interests are reflected in my art. I first stumbled upon Tarot as a teenager and was immediately mesmerised by the pictures and colours in Pamela Coleman Smith’s illustrations. I quickly realised that there was more to illustrating a Tarot Deck than creating pretty pictures. So, I set out on a decades long journey of learning more about the traditional symbolism and meaning behind the cards. In 2021 I made the first step towards creating a Tarot Deck, illustrating the cards of The Fool, The Star, The Lovers and The Moon. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"Death" by Erin O'Leary. I really wanted to remove the initial stigma of the Death card from being a physical departure, to a symbol of fresh starts and new beginnings. The white horse, as often depicted in the deck, represents strength and courage that is often necessary to bring forth change. By using a cord cutting ritual as a visual representation, I hope to enhance knowledge that this is a promising card of renewal. There is always a silver lining and this card can appear as a blessing in disguise. Reminding us that of course, nothing is forever; yet nothing truly dies; just transmutes, or changes. Erin has always had an avid interest in art, being hugely influenced by Dali and his quirky perspective. She often writes and draws what she sees in her readings, however, they tend to get burnt in ritual and sent into the universe. About five years ago she moved into the Tarot and Mediumship industry and enjoys sharing messages and holding space. Erin now own a shop in Beechworth where she facilitates various services and sells many products, often made by other local artists and creator's in a community environment. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"Queen of Pentacles" by Michelle Caithness. I create portraits based on a person’s tarot court card and astrology. Making themed portraits began as an extension of reading tarot cards for family and friends and has grown from there. Combining the tradition of portraiture with the rich visual imagery of the tarot cards developed within the context of my studio practice. The process of designing each portrait also creates a self directed framework for my further research and contemplation. The portraits have also led to a parallel project; a series of cards focusing on the tarot court cards Michelle has a background in visual art and art education. Her qualifications include: Masters of Visual Arts; Bachelor of Fine Arts. Michelle’s art practice, exhibition history and teaching experience span thirty years. Her interest in Tarot and Astrology began in her early teens. Michelle began her Tarot studies with Jeni Bethell and Astrological studies with Christine Rothwell before commencing studies with Anne Shotter in 2018, and she is a Professional Member of the Tarot Guild of Australia. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"Look to the Light Within" by Susie McCarthy. The drawing reminds me of the Major Arcana card - The Star. Within my own part of the world I sense that many people are feeling fearful, anxious, and generally pessimistic about the future. I believe that each of us is escorted into this earthly life with Light Beings, Celestial Guardians. It is time to re-awaken to their presence. The Angel depicted in this drawing is a visual representation of a Celestial Guardian. He/She invites you to remember your true identity and to unite with your Angelic Self. As they say ' A picture is worth a thousand words.' Look to the light within! Susie McCarthy lives and works in Bentleigh Victoria. She has been in practice doing Tarot Readings, Reiki, Teaching and Spirit/Soul Guide Drawings for over 30 years. She is passionate about assisting her clients of all ages to find meaning and purpose in their lives. Susie utilises her many gifts and tools along with her deep compassion and intuition to assist her clients in finding clarity and direction at a soul level. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"Cave Magic" by Jane Delaford Taylor. Inspired by the Magician, I painted this while musing on the ancient connections between art and magic. How going right back to the early cave painters, art has been used to activate the viewers imagination - and this is perhaps where all magic begins. Art envisions the magic that could be, and inspired by that we can begin to make our dreams reality.' It is one of the cards in my own oracle deck, The Life Navigator. Jane is a professional artist and illustrator, well-known for her inspirational paintings which are collected internationally. Her career as an illustrator for both children and adults spans over three decades. She has illustrated several Oracle Card Decks in the last few years, including a mermaid-themed tarot deck, ‘The Oceanic Tarot’, for Jayne Wallace (Cico Books), and is currently working on a new Oracle Set for Hay House, due out in 2023. Jane works from her home studio in the Scottish Highlands, set beside the tranquil waters of the Holy Loch. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"Death" by Brooke Marie Miller. Change, like death, is often scary. We hold on to the familiar, even if it no longer serves us, even if it's time to let go. But change is important. It's part of being human. It's part of learning, growing, and evolving. So we do our best to embrace change. And to remember where we started and how far we've come. Brooke Marie Miller, creator of the Figuratively Speaking Tarot, is a dance/movement therapist and specialist in dementia care, burnout, and cheese appreciation. Brooke began painting the Tarot as a therapeutic exercise in 2021 and has kept doing it because she is far too powerful for anyone to stop her. Brooke lives in Wisconsin with her wonderful human husband, Logan, who is a normie style therapist, and their two black cats who are just the worst. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"Six of Shields" by Martin Renaud. This painting is the “Six of Shields” from the deck Armageddon’s Shadow. It correlates to the Six of Pentacles. There are many nuances to this card, but on the surface it relates to giving, charity, and selfless acts. If viewed negatively it is greed, unfairness, and self-aggrandizement. Once you look closer, you will see more symbols and how they interact to tell a story. This is also important for readings. The shields represent protection, wealth, power, and progress. The dragons represent the negatives such as greed, hoarding, and isolation. The balancing scales are a depiction of decision making and personal bias. The iron giant in the middle shows power imbalance, institution, and representation. Martin Renaud is an ink and watercolour artist often working under the pseudonym, 'Medieval Champion'. He is self-taught and has had a passion for creating from an early age. Amongst his accomplishments is completing the graphic novel trilogy Half-Dead, and variety of tabletop card games. During this time he also worked as a commission based artist painting portraits of properties. Martin looks for impactful and unique ways for his art to connect or interact with the viewer. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"The Moon" by Steven Bright - The Moon is from a work-in-process, a deck focusing on the male and men's experiences. With so many tarots and oracles referencing the Goddess and the female, I want to create a tarot that can be used to acknowledge the mental, physical and emotional issues that men face and, in some instances, are afraid to embrace or work with. This is a deck for all males, showing a diverse group of real men of different ages, shapes, colours and preferences. This, I hope, will become the tarot deck for the modern man." Steven Bright is an author of five books and the creator of two Divination Decks. He is also the co-founder and co-editor of The Esotoracle. Steven is a practicing Reader and has presented at major Tarot events and on live radio. Click image for Artist website or social media.
"Three of Cups" by Delma Brunello. Three of cups is the happiest of paintings. Three girlies having fun and celebrating together. Bright colours play an important part in all my paintings. Shapes of all sizes began to appear in my work and I saw that in a general way they represented life. People moving, soaring high, dancing, gathering together for fun and sometimes fighting. So my shapes became people and my art intersected with psychology. Delma is a Brisbane based artist and studied at the Brisbane College of Art. When she retired from work Delma began experimenting with inks and did several online courses on abstract art . She had her own studio built which she now uses every day. It is her escape, where she can relax and express herself. Click image for Artist website or social media.