Committee members
& Supporters

The Tarot Guild of Australia’s TGA committee members & supporters include a wide variety of Tarot readers, authors, teachers and professionals from all over the Australian Tarot community. Committee members generously donate their time and energy towards building the Tarot Guild of Australia, and help grow interest in the Tarot within Australia and around the world.


Di Day - President
Karen Gill - Vice President, Temporary Treasurer position vacancy
Di Day - Temporary Secretary, position vacancy
Position Vacancy - Membership Secretary
Rebecca Birrell - Media Director, Committee Member
Maria Capone - State Co-ordinator Manager, Committee Member
Julie Attard - Committee Member
Tracey Overton-Murphy - Committee Member
Sandrah Wilson - Committee Member

Transition Committee

Doreen Van Boxtel - Transition Committee Chair
Anne Shotter - Transition Committee
Rebecca Birrell - Transition Committee

State Coordinators
(Ex officio)

Pauline Bourke - VIC Group Coordinator
Meredith Gall - NSW Group Coordinator
Dhyani D’Souza - WA Group Coordinator
Lulu Fletcher - QLD Group Coordinator

Support Team

Leela Williams - The Newsletter / Editor