21 Doors - A Tarot Story

Where real life flows through the wisdom of the Tarot – Published by Pillars of Divinity 1st Edition 2022. 

Upon opening the cover of this book, I quickly realised I was in for an exciting adventure. 

Jo Galloway has skilfully arranged the very essence of the tarot into a novel that guides you through the life of Karen and Tom, their adventures and the way the minor cards work in to their everyday life. 

The story begins with the suit of Wands weaved in to tell the story of Tom leaving his secure job to enthusiastically begin his own business. Karen supports him in this venture along with Gran who adds wise words of wisdom. As the story moves onto Pentacles it becomes clear that Tom has built his business into a booming success and is now looking to sell. Karen wants to build a new house with their newfound wealth. Jo Galloway beautifully explains Cups as Karen takes her daughter Alice away on a holiday where she relives the story on how her and Tom met. She uses Swords in the book to enact how Tom succumbs to the pressures of ‘all work and no play’, and Karen has finally had enough of Tom’s stubbornness, meanwhile they should always listen to Grans wisdom. 

As I read on I understand how this book illustrates real life examples allowing me (or the reader) to easily extract the meaning and apply it to real life situations. The real-life examples used would support recall when doing a Tarot spread and the message of each card, leading to a more beneficial reading for your client. 

Jo quotes “Every stage of life leads to the next one, and even if we try to stop the hands of time and remain in one comfortable place, it is not in our power as mortals to stop the moving cycle of life. Therefore, the end is only the beginning of something else, so the cycle of life begins once again.” Powerful words to lead into the section of the Major Arcana where she goes deeper into meanings of the Tarot. She brings alive how Tom and Karen navigate the Fools Journey. 

What I love about this book is as the story unfolds, the characteristic of the card is highlighted in the story line. At the end of each cards section the author has included a handy reference keyword/phrases table, along with further interpretations and visual representation. 

Novice or seasoned Tarot readers, you are going to gather a lot of information from this book, I will reference it as a novel, as you will not find history, symbolism etc to confuse your early learning. Jo simply explains the significance of the card in the most realistic way. 

This book would be ideal at the beginning of a Tarot enthusiasts’ journey. It removes a lot of confusion and gives you a foundation like no other and possibly even inspire you to go on and confidently research deeper references such as symbolism within Coleman Smiths illustrations. 

I give this book an 8/10 -Highly recommended. 

Reviewer: Di Day didayinspires.com 


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