2025: The Year of The Hermit in the Tarot and Number 9 in Numerology.

2025: The Year of The Hermit in the Tarot and Number 9 in Numerology.


By Doreen Van Boxtel


In Numerology 2025 is a year of endings and tying up loose ends.


A year to complete any projects that you started in 2016.


A year to show compassion.  

You must learn to become inspirational and generous this year.

Nine is the most evolved number in numerology and is considered to be the strongest vibration because it contains all the other numbers.

Number Nine has a strong spiritual base and is a wonderful source of light in the world and has a strong inclination to follow something you believe in and will pursue it with tremendous ambition and drive.

As a result, there will always be people who are jealous and resentful of you. [old adage] “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”.

Beware of others trying to sabotage your plans.


You may have issues with your family. You may also feel unloved and abandoned by your mother or father or you may feel responsible for your parents, either way, the attachment to your family is hard to give up.

You take parenthood very seriously wanting to be the perfect parent. But there is no such thing as a perfect parent or perfect child.

Children come through us but, we don’t own them. They are here to teach us something and we are here to teach them.

You need to go easy on yourself this year and don’t take life so personally.

Opportunities are unlimited this year.

Money comes to you through mysterious or unexpected ways. [Inheritance, investments etc].

Idealistic, you want to change the world and you desire to make life better for everyone.

Lots of travel indicated.

There is a need to let go of material possessions and relationships that are not working.

Psychic ability is stronger this year.



The Tarot Card representing the year 2025 is the Hermit Card in Tarot.

The Planetary Ruler is Mercury and the Sign is Virgo. The Element is Earth.


The Hermit stands alone and is isolated. He stands on a snowy mountain peak [Spiritual attainment].

As the snow melts, it fertilises that which is below.

He is most Holy Ancient one, like The Hermit in the Himalayan mountains who has all the knowledge and is sought out for his knowledge.

His lantern is a beacon. It is the light shining in the darkness. The path is pretty dark but the light in the distance guides us along the way.

In his lantern he has an upward pointing triangle representing the Fire element and the downward pointing triangle representing the Water element. Together they make the Star of David.


The Hermit represents the teacher, one who lights the way for others.

A teacher is not always someone in a traditional sense that teaches others in a classroom. A teacher can be any person you meet that teaches you about life and about showing compassion.

The Hermit is very wise, look at his long grey beard.

He is dressed in simple clothing so he cares little for material stuff.

Look at the Fool tarot card where you started your soul’s journey.

In the scene of the Fool card, the Fool is looking upward, he is looking toward where the Hermit is standing.

“Where I Am, you can also be” states the Hermit.


The Hermits Message to you this year 2025:

Don’t rush through this year 2025. It is a time of contemplation and reflection.

You will attain a new stage of understanding and will be able to guide others on their paths as well this year.

Gaining more knowledge in the form of a book, teacher, or class is indicated. 

 A lot of Soul-searching and Reflection this year.  


September is the most important month for you all in 2025.

The Hermit corresponds to the digestive system, so take care of what you eat and drink. Some foods may upset you more that others this year.



I AM wiser than I ever thought possible.

I HAVE the knowledge and knowing to overcome any obstacles in my life. 

I WILL guide others with my wisdom and knowledge.

I AM grateful for the lessons I have experienced to evolve my soul.



by Doreen Van Boxtel

A Professional Member of the Tarot Guild of Australia.



The Hermit


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