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December Zoom

The Seal of Saturn is Hidden within the Rider-Waite Tarot. Why?

Zoom event presented by Grant Isaac.

Grant Isaac will explain why and where to find all four of the seals within the deck. Isaac will reveal the Prosperity Key that's found within one of these seals, which includes 10 cards that act as a guided meditation for manifesting wishes. 

The practical reason for why the Seal of Saturn is concealed within the Tarot is for the sole basis of protection from Saturn's planetary impact. The seal acts as a protective shield that deflects all of Saturn's negative influences which can include such things as judgment or time restrictions — all the while sealing in the magical essence that Saturn beholds. 

The Seal of Saturn acts as a protective shield from that malefic force allowing a Tarot practitioner to not be restricted by the time it takes for a desire to manifest itself into reality. They are able to see results very quickly — appearing like magic. The Tarot has hidden within it the tools and the keys to prosperity that can be used to enrich one's life. With the use of the Tarot, Light is revealed without the restrictions and limitations of the Saturnian influence.

Grant Isaac will show where to find the Seals and also explain how to utilize the Prosperity Key, which is a 10-card key found within one of the Seals that acts as a guided meditation for manifesting wishes. 

This presentation will open your mind to the divine power of the Rider-Waite (Smith) deck. Not only is it a practical tool that helps connect us to the spirit and guides us along our path of self-discovery, the Tarot can also help us attain a life filled with prosperity and abundance.

 Register here for the Zoom

14 December

December Perth Workshop

1 February

February Melbourne Workshop