Ep.15-1/ Interview with Mary K Greer - Part 1

In this TGA Tarot Talk podcast episode Mary K. Greer and Trish talk Tarot, RWS deck origins, learning and teaching the tarot, numerology, books, some mesmerising ways Mary works with clients, Archetypes, duality and gender concepts and so very much more!


In Episode 15: Part 1 of the TGA Tarot Talk Podcast, Mary K. Greer and Trish talk about Tarot, RWS deck origins, learning and teaching the tarot, numerology, books (!), some mesmerising ways Mary works with clients, Archetypes, duality and gender concepts and so very much more!

This episode is in two parts.

Mary K. Greer is an esteemed Tarot scholar, reader, teacher, best-selling author and speaks at conferences around the world. (She’s also an Honourary Member of The Tarot Guild of Australia!)

Mary’s website is a treasure trove of information about Tarot (and the Lenormand). You can get some of her video teachings online, or if you’re lucky enough (!) learn from her in-person at The Omega Institute or at the TIDE conference in 2023.

You can find Mary on Facebook here.

The Tarot Guild of Australia publishes this show, TGA Tarot Talk, over on Spotify and YouTube also.

Ep.15 part 1/

marky k greer INTERVIEW



Ep.15-2/ Interview with Mary K Greer - Part 2


Ep.14/ Interview with Theresa Reed