Tarot and Intuition
Intuition is the language of the Soul.
Intuition is a sense of knowing and this knowing comes from within.
Intuition means “Into the Soul” Your intuition can be developed and increased with practice. Intuition influences our decisions.
Meditation is a great way to enhance your intuition.
Intuition is part of being psychic and consists of our own inner knowing and inner wisdom.
Everyone is born with intuition but many shut their intuition down because they are so busy with work, family, finances etc and refuse to listen to their inner voice which is your intuition.
You need to learn to trust what intuitive insights you receive.
You don’t have to be psychic to read the Tarot.
Anyone can learn to read Tarot cards with practice and dedication.
It is just like learning anything new.
You need to spend time with the tarot cards every day learning the symbolism of every card and practicing tarot readings until you become confident enough with the tarot cards to read as a Professional Reader for other people instead of just yourself.
The Tarot card pictures are only triggers to our own intuition.
Your intuition grasps the hidden meaning of the tarot card that you are looking at.
This is the way the tarot cards were intended to be used.
What do you see when you first look at the tarot card?
What do you feel when you first look at the tarot card?
What do you hear when you look at the tarot card?
Tarot exercise.
You will come to understand more about yourself and your environment than you previously recognised while you are working with your tarot cards.
You can use them in your meditations just by looking at them for a about 5 or 10 minutes until you take in all the details on the tarot card.
Then close your eyes and try to bring up the Tarot card picture in your Mind’s Eye and focusing inward for 5 or 10 minutes.
Remember to write down any revelations that have been revealed to you during your meditation with the tarot card.
Grounding yourself is very important in doing a Tarot reading or any spiritual work. Before you start your reading, feel your feet flat on the ground and imagine that you have roots growing out of your feet into the ground and finding a big rock to tie the roots too. Otherwise, after doing a few readings in a row, you may feel quite spacey.
By Doreen Van Boxtel. A Professional Member of the Tarot Guild.